Hot List Feb 7, 2011

The Super Bowl
Ronald Reagan
Anderson Cooper
Valentine’s Day
Black Eyed Peas
Bill O’Reilly
Justin Bieber
Wayne’s World
Girl Scout Cookies
Sarah Palin
Verizon’s iPhone
Lindsay Lohan
American Idol
Charlie Sheen
The Flu
Gas Prices
Tiger Moms
Spring Training
Mark Kelly
Matthew Perry
Britney Spears
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Phil Simms

Guess Whose Ex

Character development is essential to building a loyal, thriving listener base.  That’s why listeners of great shows always claim that they know the cast members’ personal lives.  One way to get there is to do “Guess Whose Ex”.  The show offers up a description of someone a cast member once dated.  The listener has to guess which cast member dated that person, then the deeper story is told thus defining the person on the program.

Tiffany’s Mom Gets a Shake Weight

Tiffany & MichaelOne of the more effective methods of character development is when you put a family member on the show.  In this break from Tiffany & Michael’s morning show on B101, Philadelphia, the team, along with a listener, call Tiffany’s mom to find out if she’s used the Shake Weight recently purchased to work out.