Bill Tafrow’s Driving Test

Tiffany & MichaelOne of the on-going jokes on the Tiffany and Michael Morning Show on B101, Philadelphia is how bad a driver news guy Bill Tafrow is.  So bad that we decided to test him publicly by setting up a narrative story arc over a couple of days to test him.  Here are two breaks from that arc.  The first is when Bill and the rest of the team get their written test results.  The second break is audio from the next day when Bill goes out with a driving instructor, who grades him very poorly.  These are terrific examples of character driven content.  These are the kinds of things listeners identfy with and remember.

Hot List April 4, 2011

Final Four
Academy of Country Music Awards
Charlie Sheen Tour
Government Shutdown
The Masters
Donald Trump
American Idol
The Royal Wedding
Southwest Airlines
Gas Prices
Baseball’s Opening Day
Mad Men
Judge Judy
Dancing with the Stars
Jay Z
Britney Spears
Scream 4
Stink Bugs