KSON The Snowflake Button

John & TammyI’ve always said there’s nothing funnier than real life.  With realty shows all around us (despite being semi-scripted and heavily edited for a storyline), listeners want to laugh about things that happen in the real world.  John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego, got into a conversation with listeners about all those buttons you find in a car.  During the course of the chat, Tammy admitted she never knew the AC button was the one with the snowflake on it and that the gas gauge told you what side the gas tank was on.  Really fun.

Break Lent

Diet Coke, chocolate, cursing.  These are some of the things people gave up for Lent.  Invite people who gave up things to come in and break Lent on its last day on your show.  Imagine a Diet Coke lover going forty days without their favorite soda, and then having it for the first time in over one month on your show!  Open the can, let the listeners hear the fizz as it pours over the ice cubes, and then your listener takes their first drink of Diet Coke live on the show.  You could always do this, too, with people in the building.  As long as it’s entertaining, it won’t matter if you use listeners or co-workers.  Find others who gave up things like this and have a Break Lent Day on your program.

Hot List March 19, 2012

March Madness
iPad 3
St. Patrick’s Day
21 Jump Street
Hunger Games
Gas Prices
Kony 2012
Santorum Rally Kissers
American Idol
Peyton Manning
Read more

Gas Man

Yea, gas prices are through the roof (again).  Anyone can give out free gas (this always works). But developing a character called “Gas Man” might make it more entertaining for those who don’t care to hear a promotion about low gas prices.  Dress up someone from promotions in a leotard and cape.  They swoop in on unsuspecting citizens filling up at service stations during the morning show and, after they recite the fun “gas pledge” you write, Gas Man fills their tank up for free.  You can even rewrite the old Batman TV theme to stage it.  The great part is that you don’t need tons of free gas to do this.  Once a morning show for a few weeks doesn’t add up to much and is entertaining for 100% of the audience who just come to you to have fun.

WZLX “Inappropriate Question of the Day”

Karlson & McKenzieOne of the things listeners love is when Kevin Karlson puts his mother-in-law, Patsy, on the show.  He has a very unique relationship with her.  In a terrific example of character development, Karlson & McKenzie on WZLX, Boston, decided to do the “Inappropriate Question of the Day.”  Kevin followed Patsy around at home while visiting her with a recorder and kept asking highly inappropriate questions just to see how she’d respond.

Hot List March 12, 2012

Daylight Savings Time
March Madness
Kony 2012
iPad 3
Peyton Manning
Gas Prices
Game Change
Japan Tsunami Anniversary
Rush Limbaugh
Whitney’s Will
Britney Spears
The Voice
St. Patrick’s Day
Prince Harry
Bruce Springsteen
Kirk Cameron
Kris Humphries
Dick Van Dyke
Lindsay Lohan
Jessica Simpson
Louis C.K.
John Carter
John Mayer
Dennis Quaid

Bed, Wed, or Dead

Mix celebrities and relationships and you have a new feature called “Bed, Wed, or Dead”.  Offer up three celebrities of the same sex (Jonah Hill, Cee Lo Green, Kris Humphries) and your female listener must tell you which of the three she would want to marry, which she’d rather have a one night stand with, and which of the troupe she’s so tired of hearing about, she wants him off the face of the Earth.  You can always flip this and do three female celebrities for male listeners to evaluate, too.

Mojo’s Five Lies

Mojo in the MorningHere’s a new feature we’ve recently added to Mojo in the Morning on Channel 95.5, Detroit. It’s called “Five Lies to Tell Your Mom”.  We concoct a story with five lies in it, then have the listener call their mother to offer up the story as true.  It’s rife with conflict, especially when the mom reacts to some of the crazier elements of the story we make up.  This bit is like an updated version of the typical prank call.  It’s lots of work (reach out and I will tell you how it’s done), but well worth it.