Hot List November 10, 2014


Veterans Day


College Football

Utah Football Fumble

Flu Shots

Macaulay Culkin

Navy Seals


Health Care Enrollment



George W. Bush



Face the Nation

Taylor Swift

Toy Story 4

Andy Dick

Jerry Seinfeld



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Let’s Get Drunk

With lots of office holiday parties now just weeks away, how about someone on the show getting drunk to prove to the audience how few drinks it takes before you are legally intoxicated?  It’ll be interesting (and fun) to listen to a show member getting giddy as the program goes on and has the very overt message of not drinking and driving if you attend a holiday party this year.  Your local police department should be able to help administer the alcohol and breathalyzer tests, adding legitimacy to the idea the morning you do this. This is also something your local TV stations will probably cover so make sure to invite them in that morning if you do this.

Hot List November 3, 2014


Midterm Elections

Post Halloween

Daylight Savings Time



College Football

Nik Wallenda



Flu Shots

Chris Christie

Health Care Renewals

Mama June

Taylor Swift

Fantasy Football

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee


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Marrying the Two Seasons

We’re now done with Halloween and about to enter winter.  Which means there are lots of pumpkins no longer needed and listeners will make sure their snowblower is tuned up.  I wonder what it would sound like for you to marry the two by running pumpkins through a snowblower to entertain the audience.  Wait…there’s a video of it.  And you can see it here.  It’s great audio for the show and wonderful video to share on social media.

KSON Name that Halloween Candy

kson_johntammy_500x350Doing fun things with the topics of the day creates a wonderful experience for listeners that compels them to laugh and return to the show.  PPM is a measure of experiences and here’s one that sets the audience up for another occasion of listening.  John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego, know putting cute kids on the show works in their efforts to attract adult women to their program.  In “Name that Halloween Candy” they had a young girl read (struggle actually) the ingredients of a Halloween candy with a listener having to guess the candy.  This works on multiple levels in their efforts to give the audience a good time and connect with their content.