Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The entire month of October is dedicated to bringing awareness to breast cancer.  What might be very compelling is to have the women on your show have a mammogram on the air on one day with her results being delivered the next day at the very same time live on the show.

Hot List October 9, 2017


NFL Week #5

Hurricane Nate

Jason Aldean

Columbus Day

College Football

Ralphie May


Las Vegas


Baseball Playoffs



Tom Petty

Harvey Weinstein

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pumpkin Spice

Blade Runner


Miley Cyrus

North Korea

John Legend

Aaron Carter


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Hot List October 2, 2017


OJ Simpson

Puerto Rico

Taking a Knee

NFL Week #4

College Football

Saturday Night Live

Pumpkin Spice

This Is Us

American Idol Judges

Monty Hall



Supreme Court

Kylie Jenner


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Saudi Women Can Drive

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Hugh Hefner


Tom Cruise


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The Mystery Question

“The Mystery Question” is a new feature where you ask a certain segment of the audience to call without knowing why, other than you have a question you will ask them once they’re on the show to prove something.  Today’s mystery question is out to prove that no woman knows who Ron Jeremy is.  Load the phones up with women, then once on (or once you’re taping), ask them if they know who he is.  For those of you who don’t know, he’s one of the world’s most famous porn stars.

KOSI, Denver Sean Barters with His Kids

If you’re a parent, have you ever found yourself in the position of negotiating with your kids?  Much of what you share about your life with the audience must fall under the “yea, me, too” banner.  If the audience is nodding and thinking that you live their life, a relatability sets in which is a terrific foundation to develop a relationship with them that can be long-lasting.  Sean Henry, KOSI, Denver is new to town.  We’re working with Sean on introducing himself to the audience so we have an emphasis on character development at this early stage.  Here’s a break of Sean negotiating the weekend with his two young kids.  That he talked with them and aired the conversation gave this a much different feel than if he just recounted everything.  Our goal is for our adult female base to get a sense of Sean as a guy and as a father.  We believe this was a lean in moment that accomplished that strategic objective for the show.  That he also entertained the audience and got all of this done in under two-minutes proves that, with prep, it can be done!