KSON, San Diego Marry the Opposite

A simple technique to create some fun is to marry the opposite of a topic to create some humorous tension.  It seems like everyone is into Game of Thrones (its final season premieres on HBO in April).  It’s quite easy to convince yourself that everyone watches and loves the show, which is untrue.  When you look at the actual numbers, close to 98% of America doesn’t watch it.  The threshold for content choice is if the audience is aware of it, and this topic passes that test.  Now marry the opposite of that conventional wisdom and you have a relatable break done in a fun way.  John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego approached people who know about the show, but do watch it, and asked them to describe the program, using their limited knowledge of its plot and characters.  They then aired the most fun replies and talked around it with cast members on their show who know all and are deeply passionate about the program.