Charles Kelly 60 Seconds

Tony & KrisA fun way we end all artist interviews on syndicated country show Tony & Kris is a feature called “60 Seconds”.  The guys throw questions at the artist in rapid fire form, asking them to answer with the first thing that hits them.  All the questions are personal so they reveal themselves.  In the process, we find out some inside stuff about the artist and arm ourselves with fresh places to go the next time we talk with them.

Angry or Acting

Another fun Mel Gibson game played by Karson & Kennedy at MIX 104.1 Boston is called “Angry or Acting”.  They got a bunch of Mel Gibson DVDs and pulled out scenes where Mel was acting angry (all the Lethal Weapons, Ransom).  They played for the listener audio of either Mel angry (clips from the recently released phone calls) or Mel acting angry (the movie clips).  Three of five right and the listener won, everyone in their cars laughing!

Know Your Celebrity Rants (Audio)

Karson & KennedyWith the slow drip of damning Mel Gibson audio out, Karson & Kennedy at MIX 104.1, Boston decided to bring out audio of other celebrities having meltdowns.  They did a game called, “Know Your Celebrity Rants”.  Despite the fact that the contestant seemed stumped, imagine people at home or in their cars laughing and playing along to all these great audio drops.

Know Your Celebrity Rants (Idea)

With the Mel Gibson audio being front and center, how about a fun game called “Know Your Celebrity Rants”.  Give a two sentence rhyming clue and then play some of the audio of a celebrity rant (audio links to some below).  The listener has to correctly guess three of five celebrities to win the prize.  Karson & Kennedy at MIX in Boston did this and it was great. Some of the ones they used were Christian Bale, Alec Baldwin, Kanye West, Michael Richards, and Bill O’Reilly.  Just make sure you choose very well known celebrities and more recent is better than old as you brainstorm the deeper list. Find some celebrity rants here, here, here, and here.  Here the audio of how they did it here.

Hot List July 12

Mel Gibson
Lindsay Lohan
World Cup Finals
LeBron James
MLB All Star Game
Summer vacations
Russian spies
Carrie Underwood
Oil spill
Twilight:  Eclipse
Paul the Octopus
Michael Steele
Tylenol recall
Tour de France
Jersey Shore
Michael Vick
Blago trial
Solar eclipse
Chelsea Clinton

Hot LIst July 12

Mel Gibson
Lindsay Lohan
World Cup Finals
LeBron James

MLB All Star Game

Summer vacations

Russian spies
Carrie Underwood
Oil spill
Twilight:  Eclipse
Paul the Octopus
Michael Steele
Tylenol recall
Tour de France
Jersey Shore
Michael Vick
Blago trial
Solar eclipse
Chelsea Clinton
Gary Coleman

My Town is Better than Your Town

A fun idea done by Karlson & McKenzie at WZLX, Boston is “My Town is Better than Your Town”.  They gathered the names of every local mayor in the metro.  They then pitted two mayors against each other each week to tout their town.  It was basically smack talk, with each mayor talking about all the great reasons their town is the best.  The mayors did need some coaching (this was always recorded) but the end product was very local and they made great contacts in the process.

B105 Al Gore’s Ad

Chris Carr & CompanyIt’s absolutely the best when a show gets creative around a Hot Topic.  Listen as Chris Carr, Maverick, and Statt, the morning show at B105, Cincinnati have some fun with Al and Tipper Gore’s recent announcement that they’re divorcing.  Statt knows why…as you’ll hear in the audio he “found” of pick up lines in Al’s ad.