WQYK What Did Bob Buckhorn Have for Breakfast

Dave & VeronicaInstead of doing a standard Q&A on interviews, Cledus, Dave, and Veronica at WQYK, Tampa do something different and fun.  They let listeners guess what the interviewee had for breakfast, then make that a part of their conversation.  This part humanizes the person being interviewed and is silly and fun, thus drawing listeners in to the interview because it’s different.  Here’s an interview they did using this approach with one of their local mayors.

What Did You Have for Breakfast

The very beginning of an interview is the critical moment listeners decide if it’ll be meaningful and entertaining.  If you open in a broad, accessible way, there’s a greater chance listeners will stay through it.  Which is why, at the beginning of every interview you could do something quirky.  Like let listeners guess what the celebrity ate for breakfast that morning, then make that your very first question when the interview starts.

Hot List Oct 1, 2012

NFL Referees Return
Denver Presidential Debate
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Supreme Court
New Fall TV Season
Jay Z/Beyonce Pregnant?
Ryder Cup
Justin Bieber Throws Up
Apple Map App
Suicide on FOX News
Gangnam Style
College Football
The Presidential Race
Kanye Sex Tape
Honey Boo Boo
NHL Lockout
Girl Scout Cookie Boxes

Sing the Mystery Song

The next time you have concert tickets to give out, do this fun thing Rob and Joss, Froggy 92.9, Santa Rosa, CA did.  It’s called “Sing the Mystery Song”.  You guys place a hit record in a sealed envelope done by the artist.  Don’t tell listeners what it is.  Tell them to call and the moment you answer, they must start singing any song recorded by the artist.  If the song they’re singing is the one you chose and is in the envelope, they win the tickets.

Hot List September 24, 2012

The Emmys
The Presidential Race
Green Day Implosion
iPhone 5
College Football
Fantasy Football
Lindsay Lohan
Dancing With the Stars
Kate Middleton
NFL Replacement Refs
Gangnam Style
The Voice
Lady Gaga
Kristen Stewart/Robert Pattinson
Honey Boo Boo
New Fall TV Season
Boardwalk Empire
Shaun White

KMVQ: Who Ruined Your Wedding

Fernando & GregThe very best, most entertaining phone topics satisfy two criteria.  First they must originate from an experience a member of the show has.  That’s the justification to do it (verses it being perceived as a generic, prep service topic).  The second is that what you ask for must be stories.  Inside stories, there’s rich detail and twist and turns that will keep listeners hooked because the show has something to mine for gold.  A member of Fernando and Greg, NOW 99.7, San Francisco, went to a wedding which was ruined by an invited guest.  Here are the fun phones they did around it.

A Love Letter to My Love

In Mitt Romney’s speech at the RNC a few weeks ago, he said his father left a rose every morning for his mother on the nightstand.  Here’s a week long narrative arc designed to make the guys on your show more romantic.  They tell the audience they want to leave a love letter for their wife/girlfriend each morning before they leave for work.  Each day, listeners help them write a letter which is left the next morning before they leave for the station.  At the anointed time, you call the female to get her reaction and then write the next day’s note with listener’s help.  At the end of the week, the wife/girlfriend grades the week and determines if her guy has become more romantic.

Hot List September 17, 2012

The Presidential Race
Kate Middleton Topless Photos
iPhone 5
Dina Lohan
College Football
Fantasy Football
Honey Boo Boo
Libya/Egypt Riots
New Fall TV Season
Kim Kardashian
Fashion Week
Chris Brown’s Tattoo
Dr. Phil
Chicago Teacher’s Strike
Clint Eastwood
Saturday Night Live
Snooki’s Baby
NHL Lockout
Sally Struthers

B96 Truth or Pair

J & JulianThe very best morning radio is personal and vulnerable.  Which is why the feature “Truth or Pair” works.  J and Julian, B96, Chicago’s number one show had tickets to give out to see Pink perform at the station.  Instead of taking caller ten (ugh!) they challenged listeners to call them with a highly personal question.  If they answered it (truth), the listener got nothing.  But if the question was too personal, they could take a pass and the listener got the pair of tickets to see Pink.

KMVQ Greg’s Mom (Magic Mike)

Fernando & GregOne of the summer’s big hits was “Magic Mike”.  One of the fun features on Fernando and Greg, NOW 99.7, San Francisco’s morning show is when they talk to Greg’s mom, a conservative woman who lives in Texas.  They married the opposites of old school views on sex and a naked Channing Tatum.  Here’s Greg’s mom “review” of the movie.