Rumor Has It

Karson and Kennedy, MIX 104.1, Boston do a fun, recurring feature called “Rumor Has It”. Salt from the show makes up bold-face lies and then asks people on the street what they think. For instance, he’ll go to Fenway Park and tell people outside that “rumor has it, the beer at the park will now be non-alcoholic because there are too many drunk people at Red Sox games.” Or that the hot dogs will be made of soy now.  The reactions are always classic.  They use the hook from the Adele song to stage it and it’s very fun to hear what people say to what they’re being told.

Office Spring Cleaning

The weather is turning nicer, which means lots of people will be doing spring cleaning.  Time for you to do the same.  Have you gathered lots of cheesy promotional items over the last year, which are just stacked up in your office?  Do a version of “Know the Show” with the audience to clear your office out of the stuff you would have just thrown out.  Ask a listener two personal questions about a show member (for character development).  If the listener gets both questions right, they are offered the choice of two worthless promotional items in your office.  Done under the banner of spring cleaning your office, and you have a fun personal bit.

Hot List April 8, 2013

The Final Four
The ACM Awards
Louisville vs. Michigan
The Masters
Spring Cleaning
Kevin Ware
Rick Warren
Kim Kardsahian
North Korea
Jay Z – Beyonce
Gay NFL Players
Wesley Snipes
Adam Lambert
Magic Johnson’s Gay Son
Halle Berry
Roger Ebert
Leno vs. Fallon
Michael Jackson Trial
Facebook Phone
Buckwild Death

KFGY Upper Management Theater

Rob & JossLots of shows reenact a big scene from a popular movie to give out a prize.  Rob and Joss, Froggy 92.9, Santa Rosa, CA go one better.  They do “Upper Management Theater” where they get the cluster’s market manager and his assistant to reenact the scene.  Adding this element of bad acting gives them something to react to and adds another audio component to the break to make it sparkle for those who tune in just looking to be entertained.