Hot List December 14, 2015


Christmas Shopping

Star Wars

Holiday Parties

Donald Trump

NFL Week #14

Golden State Warriors

Kim and Kanye Baby

Paris Climate Deal




Meek Mill


Frank Sinatra 100

Michelle Obama Raps

Nicki Minaj

College Bowl Games



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KYGO Peyton Will Be Back

Ryno & TracyThere is, somewhere in your market, a radio station that is an expert at giving their listeners the news.  While most listeners wake up and want to know what’s going on in the world, the purpose of the newscast is less to inform people than it is to define who you are.  The listeners want your take on the day’s topics (that honesty is character definition).  You want them waking up wondering what you think about whatever is big that morning.  This is why perspective is so critical when talking about a story.  What’s yours?  What work do you do to figure that out before the news story is done on your show?  What also helps a newscast is, when applicable, a sense of humor is shown.  If the audience cares about a story, they already know most, if not all, of what you’re about to tell them.  Ryno and Tracy, KYGO, Denver newscaster Chuck Clark is here telling the audience what they already know the morning after – that the Broncos beat the Patriots.  But listen to this very short clip how he created humor to make it sticky.

The Elf on the Shelf

Not much time left until Christmas.  Many parents are running out of places for the Elf on the Shelf, something they use to keep the kids in line.  Simple phone topic – ask listeners to give you new locations as everyone counts down the days to the holiday!

Hot List December 7, 2015


Christmas Shopping

Holiday Parties

Kim & Kanye Baby

Donald Trump


NFL Week #13

College Football Bowl Games



Obama Speech

Mark Zuckerberg

Star Wars



Morgan Freeman

Scott Weiland


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AMP 103.3 Jeffrey Hates Adele

amp1033_tjshow_500x350No matter where you go, there’s Adele.  She seems to be on every single TV channel, on every website you click to, and screaming out of every speaker on every radio station.  Everyone loves Adele.  Or do they?  Conflict creates entertainment.  The TJ Show, AMP 103.3, Boston, ran into show friend, Jeffrey, who hates Adele.  Jeffrey thinks everyone is being duped into buying Adele’s schtick of sadness and melancholy, all to the make the singer more rich and famous.  Here’s a perspective on Adele yet to be expressed…and it’s very funny to hear as TJ and his team challenge Jeffrey’s cynicism.  This is a Hot Topic mixed with a contrasting perspective to develop humor and completely works to create a few minutes of radio the audience leans into and will leave talking about.  They didn’t solicit for this – Jeffrey expressed the view to a cast member and TJ saw the opportunity and invited him on the show.

The Pitch to Santa

Mix kids and Santa and you have a win.  Invite kids to come on the show and make their pitch on why they deserve certain toys and gifts directly to Santa.  You’ll need someone fun to play Santa Claus and great phone screening so you have kids who can contribute to the bit (and not just offer up one word answers to questions).