Mark and NeanderPaul, KSLX, Phoenix How Much Do You Make?

We offered up a new Free Idea a few weeks ago called How Much Do You Make. Mark and NeanderPaul, KSLX, Phoenix were wondering on-the-air how much money the pharmacist at the grocery store makes. A listener set them straight (about $120,000). They then wondered if the grocery store manager made more than that. Curiosity is so important to drive content. The topic gets interesting to the listener when you are interested in it, too, and you explore. From this, they started a new idea called How Much Do You Make. They asked listeners to call and tell them what they did for work. Mark and Paul get to ask a few questions about their job (there’s that curiosity in play again!) and they then guessed the listener’s salary. The listener then revealed it. Despite conventional wisdom that no one would share this personal inofmration, their phones went crazy. It’s now become something the show does on occasion. It’s exceptionally vicarious because of their questions. Here are two examples of their feature. You will play along, trying to figure out the caller’s salary, which is one of the wins besides the relatable, fun content.