Brian and Chrissy, WGNA, Albany Be Where the Audience Is

Great brands meet their customers wherever they are.  Look around any big website.  They tend to have, front and center, stories about (and links to) stuff around the Hot Topics of the day.  Great personality shows instinctively know where the audience is emotionally and where they should be on an given day on a topic.  Which brings us to Brian and Chrissy, WGNA, Albany.  It’s their first show after their Buffalo Bills lose to the Kansas City Chiefs in what was the greatest weekend for football ever.  There’s no need to say that so much of their audience was grieving over the loss.  So, that’s where Brian and Chrissy were, too, with their content.  Some of their benchmarks remained, but the rest of the show had Bills content and tapped into where their audience was emotionally.  Here’s one break which proves that (note how they start the break with audio to hook the audience).