John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego The Jimmie Allen Interview
Here’s another example of an interview that hits the sweet spot to sell tickets and entertain the audience. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts on this page, most people who ask for interview time on a show do so for one reason – they want to sell something. Our goal is to always entertain the audience with laughter and storytelling. Listeners want to get to know the celebrity you’re talking to. Enter John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego with their conversation with country artist Jimmie Allen, who’s on to sell tickets to his upcoming show. If you’re not aware, Jimmie is African-American and very funny. John and Tammy absolutely have a game plan for this interview. But, they’re comfortable enough to let the chemistry drive it. They’re great listeners and allow Jimmie to be Jimmie. Here are two segments. After all the laughter and our getting to know Jimmie better, don’t you think they helped him sell more tickets? Which means he’ll come on the show again. Artists remember great experiences. So do listeners. This ticks all those boxes.