Being a Mom Sometimes Is a Drag

If you can swing pulling off a promotion with Sunday being Mother’s Day, consider Being a Mom Sometimes Is a Drag.  Everyone celebrates Mother’s Day the same way.  Qualify moms all week long and honor them in a way no other program would:  by taking them to a local drag show.

The $5 Story

Go get a bunch of $5 Starbucks gift cards, or if you can wrestle it from your brand manager, actual cash for a new feature called The $5 Story.  Open the phones, take three callers.  Each tells you a story.  After you hear each, the team votes on the best and the winner gets the five dollars.

Flex On Your Ex

Flex On Your Ex is a new feature where you take calls from people divorced or those who just broke up with someone and compel them to say something nice about the other person (hence “flex on your ex”).  That tension in the bit is a fun thesis, but it really gives you an opening to explore the relationship and why it ended, which is the win.


Breaking Lent

Lent ends this Thursday, April 14.  Gather a bunch of people who gave up something and let them break Lent live on your show.  They can utter their first curse word, snack on a delicious piece of chocolate or eat a potato chip, pop the top on a Diet Coke or sip a delicious cup of coffee for the first time in forty days on your program.

Celebrity Headline Time

Tell listeners a story about something a celebrity did that is in the news.  But leave the name of the celebrity out to engage them.  Then give three celebrity names and open the phones.  If the caller guesses the correct celebrity for the story, they win.  Thanks to The Ed Lover Show with Jen BT, 104.3 JAMS, Chicago for this idea.

Certificate of Manchievment

Guys like to boast about all the manly things they do around the house.  Whether they’re deserved or not.  Here’s a new feature for the show where you give out Certificates of Manchievment to men who like to brag that they did something their wives or girlfriends might have liked.

It Sucks To Have That Truck

With gas prices off the charts, here’s a fun new game listeners in cars can play along with.  Truck owners call and give you the make and model of their vehicle.  Each person on the show then gets a crack at how much it costs to fill that truck up with gas.  Thanks to Kyle, Bryan, and Sarah, WRAL-FM, Raleigh for this idea.  One guy called and admitted to them it costs $250 to fill up his truck!

March Madness – The Office Pool

No doubt there will be lots of office pools with March Madness kicking off this week.  Each cast member of the show should solicit and join one office pool a listener invites them into.  Then, you can talk with the person coordinating the office pools each Monday through the tournament to see which cast member gets the furthest.

Toddler or Tipsy

Here’s a new game, compliments of Tony and Kris, WIVK, Knoxville called Toddler or Tipsy.  Listeners call with a story of something odd that happened to them.  You must guess if the story occurred when they were a toddler or after they had had a few drinks.

I Need to Tap Out

Everyone is exhausted from everything. So many people want to “tap out” from something going on in their life. Great radio has an emotional connection. Maybe take Covid and bad traffic off the list so you don’t get repeated calls on those topics. Then ask listeners what in their life they want to tap out on.