Let Me Meet Your In-Laws!

“Let Me Meet Your In-Laws” is a new feature we’ve added to Karlson & McKenzie, WZLX, Boston. Kevin Karlson is always putting his mother-in-law on (she’s very entertaining) so we’re now asking listeners to introduce us to their in-laws, believing we’ll meet some real characters.

Brad Pitt or Pit Stop

Karson and Kennedy at MIX 104.1, Boston came up with a very simple game to play with the new Brad Pitt movie, Moneyball, coming out this weekend.  It’s called “Brad Pitt or Pit Stop”.  Correctly tell them if the name they give you is a character Brad Pitt played in a movie or a NASCAR driver and you win.  Add in a fun production value and you have an easy, fun topical game!

Dancing With the Stunt

Karson and Kennedy at MIX 104.1, Boston are doing an interesting thing to tie into this new season of “Dancing With the Stars”.  It’s called “Dancing With the Stunts”.  They’ve put a different stunt into an envelope marked with a contestant’s name.  The morning after that celebrity is eliminated, they open the envelope and the producer must perform the stunt inside.

Let’s Meet the Lunch Ladies!

Let’s Meet The Lunch Lady!  Get the schools in the hot zip codes for the radio station and let’s make stars out of the lunch ladies in the kitchens of the grammar schools!  You’ll create a buzz inside that school (and with the parents).

Seduce Us or Insult Us

This a fun idea that’ll put a real international feel on the show.  Invite listeners who speak other languages fluently to call.  The listener gets to choose a cast member and, in another language, either say something that is seducing them or insulting them.  The rest of the show has to guess which one it is before the listener translates what was said.  Thanks to Kyle and Rachel, Radio Now, Indianapolis for this one.

Did They Say “I Do”?

Listeners like to play along with games on morning shows.  Games are vicarious and help wake listeners up. Karson and Kennedy, at MIX 104.1, Boston, came up with a fun, easy game called “Did They Say ‘I Do’?”  You give the listener the celebrity couple and the listener has to tell you if they actually got married or are just dating or living together.

The Bail Game

What’s always fun?  To freak out family members!  “The Bail Game” does just that.  Your listener is conferenced in with a family member (a parent, preferably, as they’ll have the best reaction).  They must tell that family member that they’ve been arrested and need a large sum of money for bail.  If the family member freaks, they win a prize!

Guess the Credit Score

With the economy still in question, here’s a great character building bit that’s also quite vulnerable.  The entire morning team should run their credit reports.  Once done, give the listeners the scores and they must match them up to the cast member, which is when details emerge on how each person on the show is faring.

Labor Day, Labor Day

Labor Day Weekend is almost here.  How about finding five women who are due to give birth over the weekend.  Get to know them and their husbands throughout this week.  The first mom to give birth over the weekend wins a prize.  You can have all of them on your Tuesday show (the day after the holiday) for an update!  You can call this “Labor Day, Labor Day”.

The Kiddie Stock Market

With the stock market in turmoil, go grab three cute school kids, give them each $100, and marry them up with a financial trader in your market.  Introduce the teams to the audience on a Monday.  Tell each team they must day trade for one week (they have to buy/sell at least one stock each day).  Check in with them daily.  Whatever money the kids have left the following Monday they get to keep for school clothes and supplies.