The Teacher Lounge Makeover

Schools will go back in session in a matter of weeks.  Plan on the Teacher Lounge Makeover.  Teachers heading back to local schools say they want their teacher’s lounge done over.  Choose one and do anything from new furniture to a year’s supply of snacks, depending on what you can pull off (and what clients might be able to help you with).

Straight to the Comments

The funniest and edgiest part of a website like Yelp are the comments.  That’s where keyboard courage exists from warriors out to exact revenge with their one-star reviews.  Create a fun character who comes on the show and does nothing but read the best in a new feature called Straight to the Comments!

The Citizenship Test

With the July Fourth holiday approaching, time to see how well your listeners know America.  Click here and you’ll find the questions immigrants must answer to gain citizenship.  See how well your team does, and how much listeners know.  You won’t be surprised to find out that fans know all the judges on The Voice, but none of the justices on the Supreme Court!

Sip, Sip, Hooray

I’ve always thought Friday shows are easy because you can just ask the audience what they’re doing this weekend (like we ask co-workers on Fridays) and they give you lots of lifestyle and local content.  A great name for that feature comes from Donny and Lauryn, Pop Crush Nights (Townsquare) is Sip, Sip, Hooray.

The Kid with the Lawnmower

Did you mow lawns around the neighborhood as a kid to make some money each summer?  How about getting a client to give you a lawnmower then setting up a cute kid to mow lawns in his or her neighborhood through the summer?  Make them a weekly feature on the show, helping them pitch for work and then following their story line until they return to school in the fall.

Taylor Tales

Turn left or right and Taylor Swift is in the news.  Regardless if she’s been to, has yet to, or even isn’t coming to your city, Taylor Swift content is high equity.  Taylor Tales is where you find people who’ve met her and ask them to come on your show to tell that story.

The Summer Job: Three Ideas

Part time summer jobs.  We’ve all had them.  Inside of that are several ideas and I want to share three.  Idea #1:  the simple phone topic asking listeners what some of their summer jobs were when they were young.  With great phone screening, you will get great stories.  Idea #2: find a great part time summer job for a teacher.  Building the idea around one person will make it stickier.  Idea #3:  are any clients looking for part time summer help?  Get them on the show to tell listeners.  That will make you important to the sales folks.

Who Graduated Them Best?

Arrange for each member of the show to give a graduation speech at a different middle or grammar school in town.  The cast member must write a moving, inspirational speech to give to the students.  Record each (including reaction from the students).  Then post each speech on social media with the audience voting on Who Graduated Them Best?

V Week

If you guys have a daily trivia game, why not theme one week of it around valedictorians at area high schools.  Find five, then do one a day during V Week.  Gives you a chance to be local and test the book smart kid against the trivia champ on the show.

The Pothole of Pennies

With winter over, do you have a ton of potholes in your town?  Find a pothole and tell the audience you are going to fill it with pennies.  Whoever guesses how many pennies it’ll take to level it off gets the pennies.  You might have a media event for this so don’t forget to tell your local TV stations you’re doing it.  It’ll also be a great visual for social media.