Daly/Migs Show, 99.9 KISW, Seattle with Lily Hates Metallica

If you ever need to construct a break and get stumped at how to create conflict (a disparity or incompatibility in how something is viewed), just think “what’s the opposite of this”.  The big story last weekend in Seattle was two Metallica concerts after years of not being in the market.  This is a big deal to rock fans and the Daly/Migs Show, 99.9 KISW, Seattle needed to own it in content.  Yea, other rock shows had tickets, too.  But this is about what’s done with Metallica content that competitors won’t think to do.  The opposite of a metal head is to play some of their music for a kid.  Enter Danny V, who’s on the show and has a ten-year old, who’s never heard the group.  Listen to Lily’s reactions.  To extend the content, the rest of the show did it with their kids the next day at the same time.  All of it adorable, character defining, funny, and relevant.  This is great ideation on that relevant and local topic.