Dave and Mahoney, ALT 107.5, Las Vegas Fast Food Freak Outs
We all do well in radio using available audio of things that happen in the world. I’ve covered on this page the value of available audio to help make your break sparkle and give listeners some context in what you’re talking about. Dave and Mahoney, ALT 107.5, Las Vegas did something with audio that was so simple, yet so smart. There was a video circulating a few weeks ago of a woman who went crazy at a McDonalds. They got two other audio clips of people losing their shit at a fast food establishment. Theming it under the banner of Fast Food Freak Outs, Dave played the audio, then gave his team three options on what fast food restaurant it happened at. The brilliance of this move is that, as a listener, it drew me in, too. I wanted to hear the audio so I could guess from the fast food chains he offered at the end of each clip. There are passive breaks where the audience really has no role – you talk and they listen. Then there are active breaks where it’s designed to get into listeners’ heads and draws them in vicariously to participate.