Indie 88, Toronto, The Josie Dye Show, Ashley and Her E-Mail Flags

The two things which drive the success of realty shows on TV are very well-defined characters and drama, drama, drama.  The next time you venture into your favorite realty show, watch them through these prisms and know that this is what drives great radio breaks, too.  Another element of great realty shows is relatabiilty – as viewers, we must relate to the drama – possibly see that it could be us in that dilemma, as well.  Enter The Josie Dye Show with Matt and Carlin, Indie 88, Toronto who see that relatable drama lives around them all the time.  The show regularly gets emails from their promotions director and something about each email irks them:  they always have the red flag that notes the email is urgent.  This bugs all of them because not every message from her is urgent, in their opinion.  So what do they do?  They call the promotions director and confront her, asking why she does it and asks that she stop.   In one word:  drama.  A break like this works because listeners have lived it (or see that they could) and in their fantasies, they’d make the same call.  The only thing is that these guys did make the call.  So listeners lean in to see how it goes.  Just like a great scene in your favorite reality show on TV.