KSON – John Gets a Tattoo, KHTH – Jonah is Adpoted

John & TammyStacey K & JonahThis week we’re going to talk about preserving the natural reaction.  Oftentimes, you don’t want to share too much with your team off the air out of fear the best and most natural reaction will come in that conversation and it will be difficult to recreate.  These are almost always gut calls the others involved will react better if they don’t know where the story is going.  This takes chemistry and a trust that the people you’re telling will not only have a reaction, but will have a good one.

In the two audio segments below, John from John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego, calls his mother to tell her he committed the cardinal sin…he got a tattoo.  

In the second clip, Jonah, from Stacey K and Jonah, HOT 101.7, Santa Rosa, CA admits to something very few know about him, that he’s adopted.