Lou and Shannon, WJLK, The Jersey Shore, Shannon’s Ex Dishes on Valentine’s Day
We get to holidays and everyone seems to do the same stuff every year. Innovation is one of the four critical images a show must earn. Not in a “here’s a new bit we’re doing” kind of way. We just need to identify the right topics and do something different around it that fits the show. It’s the treatment of the best topics that make you different. Lou and Shannon, WJLK, The Jersey Shore were tasked, like every other show, on what to do on Valentine’s Day this year. We’ve moved the show in a direction of being much more real, and more story-based. Lou did some intel behind the scenes and found one of Shannon’s exes and invited him on the program to dish on Shannon so we could learn more about her. This content is relevant, compelling, fun, and defines her character in a unique way. Go be different around the great topics and get remembered for it.