Matt, Gabe, and Captain Ron, KKWF (The Wolf), Seattle, with Billy Bob Silliness

What’s the audience looking for when they come to you?  Certainly a connection.  They want to be around people (and shows) that are real, authentic, genuine, and friendly.  But they’re also looking for humor.  Silly, entertaining, relatable breaks.  Often, that comes in the topic you choose and then what you do with that topic.  Matt McAllister, Gabe, and Captain Ron, The Wolf, Seattle, were talking about Billy Bob Thornton’s new TV show “Landman”.  It’s perilous to talk about the TV show as most people haven’t heard of it, much less watched it.  Hear how they broaden the appeal of this content by just talking about Billy Bob.  And then, talk with him.  This works because it’s obviously fake and the entire team is in on the joke.  Stupid silliness, resulting in laughter and an important image for the show.