Sunny 98.1, San Diego The Holiday Card Apology

The best breaks on a show happen when a character has a story to tell, along with an emotion, and then we figure out what to do besides just telling the story that isn’t only opening the phones.  Enter AJ and Sara, Sunny 98.1, San Diego, who presented just such as opportunity. Before the holidays, on one of our regular calls, we were talking about the Christmas cards many people send out when Sara admitted she has the best of intentions each year, but never has time to do one.  She admitted an embarrassment that people keep sending them to her, along with a fear that at some point they will stop, angry because she never does.  Great, relatable story, right?  What happens when we capitalize on her embarrassment and fear?  We asked her to call someone who keeps sending her their card to apologize and check if she’ll always be on the list.  The call elevated the bit and made it more fun and memorable.