The AD Show, KSHE, St. Louis with Everyone Rallies For Pot Smoking Patrick

One of the benefits of being a phone-driven show is that you have regular callers, many of whom are quirky characters.  Some shows don’t see the opportunity there.  The AD Show, KSHE, St. Louis does.  Oddball regular callers become part of the show and add much-needed color to many of them.  Think about how David Letterman made stars of the weird people on his staff.  AD and Chris have done the same, embracing every time these folks call the show.  Enter Pot Smoking Patrick.  As Patrick has called in, everyone has gotten to know him.  Then, a touch of humanity.  Patrick shares with the audience that he has cancer.  More stories, more real life.  Hear how the rest of the audience, none of whom know Patrick outside of his appearances on the show, rally around him.  Now, that’s great, memorable  radio.