The Daly/Migs Show, 99.9 KISW, Seattle with Cover Songs
We’ve talked before about the kinds of content that work best for your audience. As a reminder, they are: pop culture (because pop = popular), local content (if you’re not syndicated), and stories about you that prove you are just like the audience. Let me add a fourth, which tends to be over-looked. And that’s music-based content that brands you as part of the station. Often, shows ignore the music and this kind of content, creating a potential silo that you are not part of the station (which is based on music). Here’s the Daly/Migs Show, 99.9 KISW, Seattle showing how easy it is. They found a list of popular cover songs as done by artists in the format, and some groups that are local. All around a very relevant break that folds the show into the station brand. One note: they aren’t even twenty seconds into the break and the real content has already started with a cover song hook being played. That part is fantastic.