Tony and Kris, WIVK, Knoxville The Power of Elevating Listeners
It’s not a revolutionary observation to note the true power of social media. I post something clever, fun, personal, or heartwarming. You like or comment on it. I keep checking on reactions. And feel like a super star as it grows in popularity. Rinse and repeat! Radio is the same way. We spent last week at many of the shows I coach elevating listeners for what they do for their communities. Our mission, in the face of 9/11, the worst thing that happened to America in our lifetime, was to show the best in people. We actively searched for regular listeners who have causes important to them and profile them on the show. Our week wasn’t necessarily dedicated to first responders. And we didn’t want to do all the low-hanging fruit asking listeners where they were when 9/11 hit (all of it twenty year old content). Our mission was to be about now and to control how listeners felt about our show by highlighting regular listeners who make the community better (local content!). Elevating these people made them more popular, which happened to us, too. Here are Tony and Kris, WIVK, Knoxille, with one conversation they had which accomplished all of those strategic goals with our 9/11 content.