WIL Bud’s Mom on Facebook
We always talk about character development on shows – there are effective and ineffective character development stories to tell. An example of bad is the show I heard who asked listeners to guess their favorite flavor of jellybeans. This is ineffective because it isn’t a story nor is it a macro attribute other listeners would truly identify with. An effective and positive example is what was done by Bud and Broadway, WIL, St. Louis. Bud’s mother is a character. When she’s on, he turns into her son. Here’s her take on Facebook thru a story about a guy who tried to scam her. Bud’s mom was nothing more than herself, and the team was smart to let her tell her story, laughing throughout, prodding her to give more detail. The average listener identified with the story (we all have parents struggling with Facebook) and are drawn to her honesty and humor.