WQYK Darkness Falls Across the Land…

wqyk_daveveronica_500x350One of our absolute favorite Halloween bits was done by Dave and Veronica, WQYK, Tampa, who decided to ask the mayor of St. Petersburg to read the Vincent Price poem at the end of the Michael Jackson song “Thriller”.  Doing a homegrown version of this part of the song is unique, very topical, and fun.  This break takes on the added dimension of unpredictability because of how they got the mayor to do it (unnecessary in the execution, but it certainly added to the drama of its presentation).  Dave (who’s completely fearless) went to a town hall meeting and, asking to go last, requested that the mayor do this in front of an unsuspecting crowd.  Everything about this break is perfect:  how they presented the scenario, the airing of the audio with commentary, with the mayor’s final product at the end.