WZLX The Gregg Allman Interview
Here is a flawless interview done by Karlson and McKenzie, WZLX, Boston’s highly rated morning show. Interviewing classic rock legend Gregg Allman about a biography he wrote, they did several smart things to turn this bad interview into a great, highly entertaining one: they read the book prior to the interview and explored with Allman the parts that most intrigued them. Allman is notoriously difficult to interview, often giving one word answers. They kept at it, continuing to explore the stories that interested them. In a stroke of terrific honesty for the audience, they challenged him on not wanting to answer questions to things that were in his own book. Then, once it got really bad, they ended the interview, stayed respectful, and blamed themselves for how it went, heightening how entertaining it was. This interview was prepped and handled perfectly.