HOT 101.7, Santa Rosa Liberating the Crunch Bar

Stacey K & JonahBring me there.  When you tell your story, make me feel like I am in the room with you.  We’ve all been in the predicament where we buy something from a vending machine and it gets stuck and does not release.  There was an suspended crunch bar in the kitchen vending machine and Stacey K and Jonah, HOT 101.7, Santa Rosa, CA were determined to set it free.  Only thing is, they had to wait for the vending machine guy to show up to do it.  Every effort to rock the machine to do so failed.  Recording the audio of the crunch bar’s liberation and then delivering it to the person who originally purchased it made me feel like I was there with them as the story was told on the air.  It also made the narrative funnier and more connective.


Happy Merry-oake

The anchor of your show chooses an unnamed, random Christmas carol.  With the contestant on the phone, two other cast members are played part of the song and must sing the next line (neither cast member know the song being chosen).  Your listener must choose the line of one of the two cast members as being correct or provide one of their own to win.  Thanks to Bud and Broadway, WIL, St. Louis for the inspiration for this idea.

Hot List December 12, 2016


Christmas Shopping

Holiday Parties

Santa Claus

Rogue One

Golden Globe Nominations

Walter White

NFL Week #14



College Bowl Games

Heisman Trophy

Denzel Washington

Fake News

Russian Hacking

Kanye West

John Glenn


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WIL, St. Louis You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

Bud & BroadwayDo you know the lyrics of the Christmas songs you’ve played a thousand times on the air?  Kelly from Arnold on Bud and Broadway, WIL, St. Louis obviously doesn’t.  Singing “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” to herself in the studio, the team noted her lack of knowledge of the words.  So…this became a break.  It highlights the team’s relevance and sense of humor.  They challenged Kelly and the room to know the next lines after the song starts.  This is great use of audio and a very organic break with tons of laughter and self-deprecating humor from everyone.  This break opened other possibilities – like the team having to do Christmas carols on the spot for the audience, showing again how don’t know the lyrics of the world’s biggest holiday songs.

WZLX, Boston Scared Straight Santa

Karlson & McKenzieWhich list are you on?  Naughty or nice?  Every parents dream for the next couple of weeks is for their kids to behave to get through the holidays.  And the threat of Santa Claus is most powerful.  In this classic bit from Karlson and McKenzie, WZLX, Boston, they check on kids and call them out on their naughtiness.  The team takes calls from parents whose kids are misbehaving.  Then Pete McKenzie calls the kid as Santa Claus and gets them to promise to behave through the holiday season or they’ll get nothing for Christmas.  Pete is very careful to not cross the line and become cruel – listen as he adds just the right amount of attitude and humor as he interacts with young Schuyler.

Talk to the Mall Santas

Have a kid of a cast member on the show sit on the laps of every mall Santa in town and record the conversation.  It’ll sound cute (it always does when you have a kid talking with Santa Claus) and then air it.  If you want some edge in the bit, have the kid ask Santa for something they wouldn’t normally request (like a car).  Be careful to not mention any mall names so sales doesn’t get upset (approve this with your PD before doing it).

Hot List December 5, 2016


Christmas Shopping

Holiday Parties

College Football Playoffs

NFL Week #13


Hairspray Live

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show


Kanye West



Saturday Night Live

Heisman Trophy

Lady Gaga

The Flu


Mariah Carey

Fidel Castro

Luke Bryan

Gilmore Girls


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