The Very Best Popcorn

With summer being prime movie season, how about a competition amongst local theaters to find who has the best popcorn.  You will need to set this up ahead of time.  One or two theaters brings in their popcorn each day.  It’s sampled by the show and privately rated on a one-to-ten scale.  At the end of the week, reveal your results and crown your champion.

Hot List July 10, 2017


Summer Vacations

Amazon Prime Day

Baseball’s All-Star Game


Game of Thrones



True Blood




Running of the Bulls

Green Day


Julianne Hough

Shia LaBeouf

Hobby Lobby

Amelia Earhart


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Hot List July 3, 2017


July Fourth

Joe and Mika

Summer Vacations

Weed in Nevada


Beyonce and Jay Z

Despicable Me 3

Spiderman: Homecoming



Game of Thrones

Annie Lennox

Charlie Sheen

Essence Music Festival

Canada Day

John McEnroe/Serena Williams

Princess Diana

Dale Earnhardt, Jr.


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WDRV, Chicago Tingle’s Parents on the Concert

One easy way to spice up your show is to find fun “characters” to play a role in it.  Not fake characters, but people in real life.  This week’s audio comes from Sherman and Tingle, WDRV, Chicago.  It proves two points when putting your program together:  bold ancillary characters, who come and go as needed, add color to a show.  Also, when telling a story, invite the people in the story to participate in telling it.  They have a perspective and will add detail and emotion that you can’t because they were in the middle of it.  Tingle and his sister have parents who are huge Doobie Brothers fans.  That’s why they bought tickets to the Doobie Brothers/Chicago concert in Las Vegas for them.  Tingle could have told the story of their concert experience.  Or he could have invited his mom and dad on to tell their story, coming at it in the first person, which is what he did.  Now, all Tingle needed to do was help them navigate through the story and react.  Listen to this short character building break and note how much better the story is because his colorful parents participated in it.


One of the consistent themes of the summer is that everyone needs air conditioning, which means HVAC guys are in high demand. Partner up with a bunch of HVAC repairmen who have stories to tell of things they’ve seen or encountered as they’ve gone to homes to fix units.  Have one on each week to tell that great story in a seasonal feature you can call “Holy HVAC!”