Hot List November 6, 2017
Daylight Saving Time
Kevin Spacey
iPhone X
NFL Week #9
College Football
Larry David
Veterans Day
Country Music Awards
House of Cards
Apple releases its new iOS update and anyone with an old phone suffers the same problem: their phones don’t work as well. Enter The TJ Show, AMP 103.3, Boston, to address the issue. TJ believes that Apple is messing with us on purpose – so we’ll all get new phones. This show has a unique way of expressing what the audience is thinking in a fun way. Great shows have a good time with whatever the topics of the day are. With Apple’s release of new phones and a new iOS, TJ delves into the issue in a way generated from his perspective (a great starting point to help define you). Not only is this content on point (many in the audience is nodding “yea, I think that, too”), but TJ does this in a way that stands out. Listen for the content, his talk on the topic, and the production value which makes it sparkle.
Take calls from only women and ask them to suggest the name of the next actor who, in the next week, will be accused of sexual harassment. If possible, if someone chooses the name of the next actor named, give them a prize. Call it the Perv Pool. Thanks to Sherman and Tingle, WDRV, Chicago, for this idea.