Klein and Ally, KROQ, Los Angeles Ally’s Sister is Getting Married

Character development happens when you do one of two things.  When you share your honest take (feelings) on a topic of the day you define yourself.  Tell the audience that you don’t like The Bachelor and I’ll get a sense of who you are.  The other is when you reveal your life and let the audience into the stories happening to you now.  It was a banner weekend for Ally of Klein and Ally, KROQ, Los Angeles.  She was invited to be the maid of honor at her sister’s wedding in Las Vegas.  Yet, she had no idea what a maid of honor does and was kept in the dark of all the wedding details.  Tell the audience the truth and you will only have one story to tell is the old adage.  Here’s a fun chat with Ally’s sister and the entire show on the eve of the Vegas wedding.  Ally’s self-deprecating, Klein comes with a theme song and a hook (Ally’s sister is hot), and everyone appropriately stirs the shit to help tell the story.  This is very memorable and excellent character development.

One Hundred Pounds of Halloween Candy

Halloween is about a month away. Anyone wanna create a candy trivia-based contest for kids where the winner walks away with 100-pounds of Halloween candy and a $100 gift card to go see a dentist in six months?

The Josie Dye Show with Matt and Carlin, Indie 88, Toronto Josie Calls the Library

Topic + Treatment + Tone.  The 3 T’s of Content as espoused by the folks at Coleman Insights.  Are you on the very best topics of the day?  What will your treatment be of those topics?  The tone is the emotion you want listeners to feel.  Some of the best content comes from the lives of the cast, as shown here by The Josie Dye Show with Matt and Carlin, Indie 88, Toronto.  Josie has kids and regularly checks books out of her local library.  Being forgetful (that’s character development), she sometimes misses bringing the books back to the library.  That’s why Matt and Carlin regular make her call the library to see if “the books” have been returned.  As you’ll hear in this week’s audio, the guys on the show make up fake book names, all quite embarrassing and racy, just to hear Josie say it and to see if the librarian has a reaction.  The topic and tone are great here.  The treatment is what sets it apart.

Supply Chain Issues

Karson and Kennedy, MIX 104.1, Boston did a fun phone topic last week.  More and more we can’t get things once we order them online due to “supply chain issues”.  What can’t you get because of “supply chain issues” resulted in fun phones with people venting about the most inane things.

Tony and Kris, WIVK, Knoxville The Power of Elevating Listeners

It’s not a revolutionary observation to note the true power of social media.  I post something clever, fun, personal, or heartwarming.  You like or comment on it.  I keep checking on reactions.  And feel like a super star as it grows in popularity.  Rinse and repeat!  Radio is the same way.  We spent last week at many of the shows I coach elevating listeners for what they do for their communities.  Our mission, in the face of 9/11, the worst thing that happened to America in our lifetime, was to show the best in people.  We actively searched for regular listeners who have causes important to them and profile them on the show.  Our week wasn’t necessarily dedicated to first responders.  And we didn’t want to do all the low-hanging fruit asking listeners where they were when 9/11 hit (all of it twenty year old content).  Our mission was to be about now and to control how listeners felt about our show by highlighting regular listeners who make the community better (local content!).  Elevating these people made them more popular, which happened to us, too.  Here are Tony and Kris, WIVK, Knoxille, with one conversation they had which accomplished all of those strategic goals with our 9/11 content.

Mr. Lost and Found

If you live in a market with professional or collegiate football, you have tens-of-thousands of fans attending home games through the season.  Lots of those people leave things behind in the stadium.  It’d be fun, each Monday after a home game, to have on the person who runs the stadium’s lost and found department so they can go over the items left behind!

Lexi and Banks, KUBL, Salt Lake City Let’s Talk Teasing

Our audio this week is a terrific example of teasing a benchmark.  Two important qualities of an effective benchmark include that you intrigue me.  The other is you must make me feel something.  Often we offer bland teases:  “coming up next is our Hollywood Report.”  That’s snooze city.  There’s nothing there that either intrigues or gives me an emotion.  Then the marginally better:  “J Lo is back in the news, tell you more next.”  Then this:  “You won’t believe what Hollywood couple is back together again after breaking up four times.”  The latter works because it’s intriguing.  Lexi and Banks, K-BULL 93, Salt Lake City tease benchmarks well.  Here’s a tease and solicit for calls for their feature That’s All I Need to Know About You.  They use a clip of an admission to the feature from the previous day to intrigue and make me laugh so I’ll call with mine (or stay to hear other listener’s contributions).  That’s how you tease!

Netflix Adultery

Here’s a new sin:  Netflix Adultery.  Ever been watching a show on Netflix with your significant other?  Then, when they’re not around (or sleeping in the other room), you decide to watch an episode of a show without them?  Well, you’ve committed Netflix Adultery.  Let’s take some admissions from the audience and then get their partner on for reaction.