George, Mo and Erik, KILT-FM (The Bull), Houston Lee Brice Price Is Right.
Here’s a reminder from George, Mo, and Erik, The Morning Bullpen, KILT-FM, Houston that when artists come on, they want to sell something. Last week, country singer Lee Brice needed to sell some concert tickets, which is one of the reasons he did the interview with them. Knowing that very few in their audience would buy tickets, the mission in talking with Lee was to create some fun. It’s wonderful that Lee’s last name (Brice) rhymes with “price” so they did Lee Brice Price is Right. This treatment has been done many times by all of us in morning radio. Why this works better is because they chose quirky items related to Lee of things for sale they found on the internet. Lee had to guess the price of items associated with him, which upped the fun factor.