Who’d It Happen To?

Here’s an easy Monday morning character development bit.  Each member of the show notes to the producer the most interesting thing that happened to them over the weekend.  The producer reduces the story to once sentence and throws them out, one at a time, to listeners on the phone.  The listener must guess who that interesting thing happened to.  Then the cast member tells the story.

Little Guy Insults the Giants

With the Super Bowl this Sunday, here’s a cute bit to tie in, especially for the Patriots fan on your show.  Find a cute 10-year old boy (preferably the son of a cast member or station employee) and have him read insults you write about the New York Giants and Eli Manning.  In a character definition bit throughout this week, package the insults with a small production value and air them in a feature the Patriot’s fan will call “The Little Guy Takes on the Giants”.

Know Tebow

This is very simple street audio that can do this week to prove the power of a sports star cutting through.  Get on the streets and ask women if they know who Drew Brees, Aaron Rogers, Jay Cutler, and Marc Sanchez are (every guy knows they’re quarterbacks in the NFL).  Then, ask the average woman on the street who Tim Tebow is – everyone will know he’s the quarterback for Denver.  You might need to use a little creative editing to prove the point, but watch how Tebow has cut through with a constituency (women) who tend to have much less knowledge of who QBs are than guys.

Golden Globe or Golden Girls

Here’s a simple game to play with the Golden Globes being front and center.  It’s called “Golden Globes or Golden Girls”.  John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego did this and it’s fun. You give the listener a fact about something pertaining to the Golden Globes or the Golden Girls.  They have to identify which show it is to win.  You can hear audio of this here.

Booty Call Go Kits

Get ready for Valentine’s Day by having promotions put together “Booty Call Go Kits”.  Take callers that day (it’s on a Tuesday this year) who’ll commit to meeting at home around lunch for a nooner.  In the kit can be oils and lotions, roses and cholocates, condoms, and a CD of Barry White music (or something equally as sexy).  The next day, these couples come back on the show to talk about it.

Morning Show Mystery Question

A different way to do a large, pop culture story that has an odd twist is for the occasional “Morning Show Mystery Question”.  You tell listeners you have a mystery question and won’t ask it until you put them on the air.  The first correct answer wins, then you talk about the story. Today’s question might be:  “Chaz Bono just called off his engagement to his girlfriend and announced he’s saving his money to buy something he really wants.  What is it?”  Take your callers and spring this question on them (do not ask it ahead of time).  The first person to say “he wants to buy a penis” wins and then you can have fun with the story!  Because it’s true – see here.

Gyms + Donuts = Fun

With New Year’s resolutions at the top of most people’s lists, how about sending someone out from the show to an area gym.  It’ll be packed with people whose goal is to lose weight.  They set up a stand outside the gym offering free donuts to folks coming and going, recording them for your show to capture their reaction.

Christmas Match Game

This one’s a really easy relationships-based game.  Karson & Kennedy, MIX 104.1, Boston does “Christmas Match Game”.  They solicit for a couple to call.  They put one on hold (so they cannot hear the station) and ask the other five things they want for Christmas.  They then bring the listener’s partner back and if they know three of them, they win.  Simple and easy!

Santa Idol

Anything with “Idol” on the end of it always works.  How about sending the kid of a show member out to sit on the laps of mall Santas in your town.  While on his lap to tell the Big Guy what they want for Christmas, the kid should ask Santa to sing a quick line of his favorite Christmas carol.  Air all of them in a holiday bit called “Santa Idol”.

Holiday Tipper Idol

This is the time of year everyone around us asks for holiday gratuities.  From your hairdresser to your mail carrier to the person who delivers your morning newspaper.  Gather up a few and stage a one week American Idol-type competition between them.  The winner gains the affection of the show and your team’s public support to their customers for a bigger holiday gratuity this year!