Sarah Palin and Paul Revere

Based on Sarah Palin not knowing what Paul Revere did, get the right answer and give it to cabbies or kids.  Ask them the same question…but give them the correct answer to give back to you.  Play the Palin audio (with her stumbling, bumbling, and wrong) and then say you asked the cabbies (or kids) and hear their answers (eloquent, simple, and right).  That juxtaposition might work to make people laugh.  Of course after you air everything you can tell the audience you gave the answer to the cabbies (or kids) so they’re in on the joke.

Pregnant, Pissed, or PMS’ing

Here’s a brand new game where listeners who are either pregnant, pissed at something, or PMS’ing call.  Without tell you which one they’re experiencing, the show gets to ask the caller three questions unrelated to the three categories to try and ascertain by the tone of their voice whether they’re pregnant, pissed at something going on in their world, or PMS’ing!  Thank to Kyle on the morning show at Radio Now, Indianapolis for this one.

My Boss Is An Idiot

What employee doesn’t think their boss is stupid?  Tap into that vibe with “My Boss Is An Idiot”. This is a trivia-based game played between someone at work on the phone line and their boss on another line to see who gets more questions right.  If (when) the employee gets more right, they not only get a prize, but get to also say publicly that their boss is an idiot (all in good fun of course).

At The Courthouse

“At the Courthouse” is a new weekly feature with a compilation of audio gathered from people at your local courthouse, asking them why they’re there.  Every story is different and they’re highly emotional as you’re talking to people who are right in the middle of their saga!  Mix the best people, the most compelling stories, and a sparkling production value and you have a new bit people might talk about.

Six on Sex

Here’s an edgy new idea called “Six on Sex”.  We know that sex always works as a topic.  This is where you get a couple to come in and she asks him six questions about sex that you’ve written.

I Don’t Believe You

With President Obama releasing his full birth certificate, here’s a new feature for the show called “I Don’t Believe You”.  The listener tells you a one sentence story about something that may or may not have happened in their life (i.e. I went to the OB-GYN yesterday and the speculum broke, I was born in the back of a  taxi cab).  Once the listener offers it up, the show must collectively decide if they believe them.

Royal Wedding

Two ideas around this week’s Royal Wedding:  using Google Earth, bring up the street view of Westminster Abbey (where the wedding is taking place).  Note the small shops around the abbey and call them to find out what it’s like there this week.  Then there’s a game called “Wedding, Bedding, or Both”.  You’ll give a term that applies to the event in London, the name of a mattress at the local mattress company, or both.  For instance “The Majesty” (it’s both actually – the Queen aka “her Majesty” will be at the wedding – it’s also the name of a Temperpedic mattress).

Burley Men Doing Girly Songs

Go find the most masculine guys in your town (i.e. construction workers, etc.) and get them to come in to do karaoke doing girly songs in a new feature called “Burley Men Singing Girly Songs”.  Hearing some burley guy sing a Taylor Swift song is a great mental visual and might be very funny to listen to.

The Joke’s On You

Offer up a one-line set-up for a new joke and then open the phones for a new feature called “The Joke’s On You”.  Listeners suggest punchlines for your set-up.  The funniest one wins!

We’ll Make It Funny Even When It Isn’t

We’re not too crazy about produced features but here’s a new one called “We’ll Make It Funny Even When It Isn’t”.  Go grab audio from a serious conversation on TV (from the evening news, Oprah, some other source).  Place canned laughter after people say serious things.  That disparity might be very funny to hear.  It’s kind of Letterman-esque and can be done every now and again to make people laugh.