John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego, The Bill Cosby Update
One of the required attributes to be a truly great personality is having a natural curiosity about the world around you. An almost insatiable interest in whatever is going on in the world. As I’ve done this work, the million-dollar players I’ve worked with have this quality. That curiosity drives better topics. The conventional wisdom when Bill Cosby was released from prison a few weeks ago was that morning radio should not touch it. Why? It’s a big topic and if you want me, as a listener, to bond to you, you’ll share your thoughts. The day the story broke, I had my weekly call with John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego. They were outraged this happened and had a zillion questions on how it came to be. We leveraged their genuine interest in the topic to create a break that was relevant, interesting, and memorable by inviting on a lawyer who could answer their questions. All because the cast wondered why. What is your curiosity about the topics of the day? Are you forever reading about whatever is going on, looking for angles and stimulation to activate your interest so you can bring it to the audience? If you do, you’ll excel.