Hot List May 27, 2013

Memorial Day
Arrested Development
Indianapolis 500
Behind the Candelabra
Amanda Bynes
Oklahoma Recovery
Hangover 3
Jodi Arias
The Boy Scouts
NBA Playoffs
Obama’s Prom Picture
Lindsay Lohan
Cannes Film Festival
The French Open
The New X-Box
Forbes Most Powerful Couples

WQYK The Applebee’s Spot

Dave & VeronicaOne of the chief goals of any morning show is to make everything that they do entertaining. Talent get lots of endorsements.  While the wiggle room with a client can be narrow, Applebee’s lets Dave and Veronica on WQYK, Tampa have some fun.  By creating this humor, the commercial message is masked (making it more palatable for those who find commercial messages a tune out) and the client’s message comes screaming through more effectively. Not suggesting you handle live commercials this way as every client is different, but this one stands out.

Trek or Track

Two hot topics right now are the new Star Trek movie and the Indianapolis 500.  John and Tammy, KSON, San Diego merged both for a fun game called “Trek or Track”.  They gave the listener either the name of a character on Star Trek or the last name of an Indianapolis 500 race car driver (they’re almost always foreign).  Simple games which can be played along with everyone listening at work or in the car are effective.

Hot List May 20, 2013

Powerball Winner
Star Trek Into the Darkness
Memorial Day
Three-Day Weekend
Hangover 3
David Beckham Retires
NBA Playoffs
The Boy Scouts
Angelina Jolie
The Voice
Indianapolis 500
Ben Affleck
Cannes Film Festival
The Preakness
OJ Simpson
Billboard Music Awards
Michael Jackson Trial

Skip This Ad

On a conference call recently with The J Show at B96, Chicago we were all talking about how much we hate having to watch ads online before we get to watch the TV clip we really want to see.  J then noted how much he loved how YouTube handles this – they let us skip the ad after only five seconds of it.  He then wondered if a business could grab people’s attention in just five seconds and offered anyone that amount of time to promote their business on the morning show.  The feature is called “Skip This Ad”.  Business owners come on and have to grab them in five seconds or they get buzzed out.  It was local and fun to hear people try to rise to this challenge.  Hear how they did the break on the audio page here.

B96 The Awkward Compliment

The J ShowI always ask shows to tell me what they do that no one else has done.  The J Show, B96, Chicago, just added a new feature called “The Awkward Compliment” where J Niice walks up to people and compliments them on some small, quirky thing (I like your belt buckle, you’re very sexy when you use your computer mouse) just to see how they react.  Of course he’s secretly recording all of this for the show.  Odd, fun, silly completely works on a show because it captures listeners’ imagination, makes them laugh, and leaves them with something to talk with their friends about.

Hot List May 13, 2013

Mother’s Day
Prince Harry
The Great Gatsby
Charles Ramsey
Cleveland Kidnappings
Lindsay Lohan
NBA Playoffs
The Preakness
American Idol Changes
Star Trek Into the Darkness
Kim Kardashian
Maxim’s Hot 100
OJ Simpson
Tyler Perry
Michael Jackson Trial
Hangover 3
The Office

Race Horse or Rapper

With one-third of the Triple Crown done, my friend Alan Peterson passes along the game “Rapper or Race Horse”.  It’s pretty self-explanatory, but he notes that lots of race horse names sound like rappers.  So, you put together a list and start quizzing the audience!  The next stage of the Triple Crown is The Preakness and is on May 18.  You can get horse names here.  Here’s a starter list for both:  Rapper or Race Horse

WNOU Happy Mother Fucker’s Day

Kyle & RachelUsually for Mother’s Day, shows will default (as they should) to the syrupy and sweet.  What stands out, though (if it fits the brand) is something with edge and attitude.  That’s why, for the holiday, Kyle and Rachel, Radio NOW, Indianapolis, did something this past week called “Happy Mother Fu%#er’s Day”.  They invited listeners to call and wish a Happy MF Day to the person who most recently did them wrong.  Yes, the did bleep the necessary word!  Below are the set up break and the subsequent break with listener calls.  This one cut through!

Hot List May 6, 2013

Mother’s Day
Cinco de Mayo
Kentucky Derby
Ironman 3
Jason Collins
Boston Bombings
NBA Playoffs
Miley Cyrus
Star Trek Into the Darkness
Reese Witherspoon Video
Trump vs. Stewart
Chris Kelly
Michael Jackson Trial
Tim Tebow
Lindsay Lohan
Floyd Mayweather
The Great Gatsby
True Blood
The Office
The Rolling Stones