Warm 106.9 Political Merchandise

reynoldsgroup_500x350The conventional wisdom for almost every morning show, especially in this cycle, is that you cannot even touch politics.  This is a no-win, totally polarizing place to go.  It is if it’s issue-oriented or you talk good or bad about a candidate or issue.  How about if you choose the merchandise the candidates try to sell to raise money and do it in a fun way?  Allan and Ashley, Warm 106.9, Seattle did just that.  Listen to this easy game.  One that can be played vicariously by people driving to work in their cars, with them never touching that political rail in a way that gets them in trouble with the audience.  This comes from brainstorming and a desire to create fun.

Hot List May 9, 2016


Mother’s Day


Kentucky Derby


Donald Trump


Arsenio Sues Sinead



Powerball Winner

NBA Playoffs


Stanley Cup

Amy Schumer

National Spelling Bee

Zika Virus


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B105 One Great Promo

b105_bigdave_500x350What is the purpose of a strategic promo aired outside of the show?  There are two to choose from:  promote the signature feature of the show so you get known for doing it.  Signature, unique, fun benchmarks are critical to defining a show’s brand – they are always payoffs so pushing audience there helps you.  The other purpose is to prove how in the moment and fun you are.  This promo for The Big Dave Show, B105, Cincinnati proves the latter.  All weekend, those who hear it know the show is about Mother’s Day during the weekend we celebrate it and fun.  Many promos push audience to the next show by telling them what is coming up – these are way less effective because you can’t feel those promos.  But those which have clips of features or breaks that land on a punchline you can feel, thus defining the show to the audience.

Smell It Then Spell It

The Scripps National Spelling Bee in the last week of this month.  Let’s have a contest amongst the show cast where they’d need to be blindfolded!  It’s called “Smell It Then Spell It”.  A cast member smells something (reaction) then has to spell what they smell.  First to three points wins.  You might want to include listeners on the phone who can help in the spelling part.

WUSN Lisa’s Sister on Her Wedding

wusn_lisaray_500x350There is no better character development then when you put relatives on, participating in a story about that cast member who might have a dilemma the audience can relate to and walk away having an opinion on.  Lisa Dent from Lisa and Ray, WUSN, Chicago is about to get married again.  Hence the “can she wear white” controversy.  Lisa had heard a relative said she couldn’t.  So, the show talked about this (highly relatable) and then they got her sister on to participate in the conversation to find out the real deal.  When you use relatives to advance a story line, you get new energy and a fresh level of conflict to hook the audience and move them into position to have an opinion, which makes the break very real and very sticky.

The Mariachi Band

With Cinco de Mayo this week, your show needs a decidedly festive feel.  How about finding a local mariachi band to do one of two things:  Mariachi Wake Ups (the band enters the room of a kid who hasn’t woken up for school yet) or the band plays you into your stop set breaks all morning!

Hot List May 2, 2016


Cinco de Mayo

White House Correspondents Dinner

Mother’s Day

Larry Wilmore



Game of Thrones

Don Lemon





NBA Playoffs

Donald Trump


Kelly & Michael


Bathroom Bills


Stanley Cup

Will Ferrell



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Hot List May 2, 2016


Cinco de Mayo

White House Correspondents Dinner

Mother’s Day

Larry Wilmore



Game of Thrones

Don Lemon




NBA Playoffs

Donald Trump


Kelly & Michael


Bathroom Bills


Stanley Cup

Will Ferrell

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