It’s not an easy job being on-the-air. Lots of spinning plates and the wearing of many hats. You can’t win today without having multiple skillsets. When you factor in the stress that comes with being in today’s version of radio, it falls upon each of us as leaders and managers to get the best out of our content creators – our talent who bring us brand value.
A regular topic of conversation with the high-profile talent I coach, is how we lead each other to success.
Many ask when I start coaching a show if I think we’ll win and when that will happen. My answer is always the same: if you believe in your people and believe in the strategy, then be patient, because it’ll happen.
Here is some wisdom on managing the artisans who make great radio by other successful professionals and me. Many thanks to those noted below for reminding each of us what’s important to get to the win:
Pick your battles. Trust that you’ve hired a talented team. They need you focused on the big things.
Patti Marshall, Q102, Cincinnati Program Director, Hubbard OM
Spend time together outside of work, with each other’s families. You’ll appreciate and respect each other more when you are closer off air. Listeners can sense that bond.
Steve Reynolds, The Reynolds Group
Let fun win on and off the air. Let yourself be the butt of the jokes. If you’re willing to allow for those moments of vulnerability, you will endear yourself to the audience and the team.
Jeff Thomas, Jeff and Jenn, Q102, Cincinnati
Be the show’s biggest fan. When you are, you can coach the show on what needs to be fixed, because they know you believe in them.
Tony Travatto, Channel 95.5, Detroit Program Director
Own your shit. Take responsibility for whatever happens, then work through it. That way, no drama enters the room and throws off the chemistry of the team and show.
Jenn Jordan, Jeff and Jenn, Q102, Cincinnati
Let other people on the show shine. Shows fail when each person doesn’t let the other cast members have the spotlight.
Mojo, Mojo in the Morning, Channel 95.5, Detroit
Trust is a product of vulnerability over time. The more time you spend with your people, and the more open you are about your own life with them, they will reciprocate. That’s the foundation of a relationship built on trust.
Steve Reynolds, The Reynolds Group
Each of us, regardless of our position, is charged with leading others. Tack this up and, in the race to the goal, re-read it on occasion as a reminder that we get there not just for what we know, but because of the culture we build and how we manage our teams and our people.