The Irish Booth Annoucner

What might be fun is to find someone with an Irish accent and have them be your booth announcer on St. Patrick’s Day on Monday, March 17.  They talk you into stop sets live with teases for what’s next, talk out of stop sets to re-introduce the show, and do all promos and sweepers.

Five Things

With Elon Musk asking federal workers what five things they accomplished last week at work, you should do the same.  Have your spouses/partners ask you, ask female listeners to ask their guys (air them together), ask your co-workers!

The Long Chew Challenge

Given the pressure of the world, if you need a stupid and inane idea, do the Long Chew Challenge.  Go buy ten brands of gum and find ten people in the building who’ll chew it and log how long it takes before each piece runs out of flavor.  Catalog everything.  All in your effort to find the brand of gum that lasts the longest.

The Pothole of Pennies

With all the talk of no longer making pennies, here’s one you can plan on once winter is over in your market.  Find a big pothole somewhere in the metro.  Let listeners guess how many pennies will fit in that pothole until it’s filled.  It’s great social engagement for a week, then go do it, with a video you can release once done.  Maybe get the mayor on, too, to get the pothole filled properly when you’re done.

Chicken and the Eggs

Sounds like everyone’s talking about the price of eggs.  How about finding a farmer who’ll let you adopt a chicken and then, once that chicken lays a dozen eggs, give them away to one lucky listener?

Super Bowl Bets

Will a player or coach cry during the National Anthem?  What color will the Gatorade be that’s poured on the wining coach?  The biggest day for betting in America is the day of the Super Bowl.  Find the oddest with a Google search, but locate someone from a betting site to come on to run down the full list of the oddest things people are wagering on around the game for a better break.

Pitch Your Pardon

Two phone topics come up from what Trump’s done that never touches politics.  Pitch Your Pardon (he pardoned the January 6 people).  What have you done in life (big or small) you would want a pardon for?  Then, as a show, pardon them.  He’s also signing lots of Executive Orders.  The topic:  you’re now the boss at work.  What Executive Order would you sign to change things there?  You can also sign an Executive Order for your family!

Super Duper Lost and Found

No doubt you have a big arena in town.  The place for sporting competitions and concerts.  Partner with them and, after an event, bring on the person who runs the lost and found department who will go over all the items left behind the night before, found when they were cleaning up.  The odder the items the better.

VD for the Kids

Valentine’s Day is about one month away.  How about going old school?  Have your listener’s kids write a Valentine’s Day card and mail it to you.  In turn, you give them to all the kids in your local children’s hospital.  Kids writing Valentine’s Day cards to kids.

The Food Journal

Just about everyone will be on a diet this month.  If someone on the show is doing it, form a club around them and a few listeners.  Ask each to keep a food journal of everything they eat.  Then check in with them over the next few weeks to see how they’re doing, what they’ve eaten, and how much weight they’ve lost so you can be supportive.  If you can, find an entertaining nutritionist to come on, too, to help in the conversation about weight loss.