Jury Duty

It’s believed the Trump trial is rounding the corner to a verdict.  Lots of shows have been avoiding the topic (smart) because it’s so polarizing.  But there’s no reason you can’t mention the trial, then pivot to wondering what it’s like to be on a jury and solicit for those stories.

Was The Tassel Worth the Hassle

Graduation season is upon us!  Get in touch with all the famous and powerful people in your market and ask them to tell you a story about their life that proves the tassel was worth the hassle.  They can talk about how much better their life is because they got educated.  Would be relevant to feature them when graduations are happening.

Mom’s Famous Kid!

With Mother’s Day not too far off, who is the most famous person you know (in or out of your market)?  If their mom will come on, do a series of short interviews with them each morning at the same time that week without ever referring to who their famous kid is.  After the short segment each day, take a few calls to see if listeners can guess the famous person whose mom you’re talking to.

The Courtroom Sketch Artist You

With Trump on trial, we’re seeing lots of pictures of him as done by a courtroom sketch artist.  Bring in two courtroom sketch artists in your city.  During one show, have each draw pictures of you guys.  Then the audience votes between the two and the winning rendition is your show picture on all social media platforms through the end of the trial.

The Jolene Mash-Up

With Beyonce’s “Cowboy Carter” a Hot Topic, lots of people are talking about her version of Dolly Parton’s iconic “Jolene”.  Hundreds of artists have done that song.  Go grab a bunch of versions from artists your audience knows and edit together a mash-up.  Then see if any listener can identify all the artists.

The Seat Sit

With baseball season having just started, is there a baseball team in your town who will let you do the Seat Sit?  You sit in every chair in the stadium if listeners pledge to give you so much money, which will be given to the cause the show supports.

The Pothole of Pennies

Winter is drawing to a close.  What comes after that is lots of potholes around town.  Find the biggest and bring to it all those pennies you have in that big container in your house.  Ask listeners how many pennies it’ll take to fill it up in The Pothole of Pennies.

Let’s End Lent

With Easter on Sunday, Lent ends this week.  For those who gave up something, have them in the studio to try what they gave up for the first time on your show.  Swore off Diet Cokes or chocolate?  Your first one’s on us on-the-air.  Gave up cursing?  Utter your first in the studio!

Easter Egg Butts

Easter is not too far off.  Couple that with nudity and we offer Easter Egg Butts this week.  Any enterprising guy on the show wanna play along?  I bet you’ll get a ton of hits.  See what you have to do here and here.

Bagpipes Play Our Tunes

With St. Patrick’s Day Sunday (March 17), go grab audio of bagpipe players doing songs in your format.  I bet they’re all over YouTube.  If not, find a local bagpipe player who’ll come in to have some fun with you!