A Love Letter to My Love

In Mitt Romney’s speech at the RNC a few weeks ago, he said his father left a rose every morning for his mother on the nightstand.  Here’s a week long narrative arc designed to make the guys on your show more romantic.  They tell the audience they want to leave a love letter for their wife/girlfriend each morning before they leave for work.  Each day, listeners help them write a letter which is left the next morning before they leave for the station.  At the anointed time, you call the female to get her reaction and then write the next day’s note with listener’s help.  At the end of the week, the wife/girlfriend grades the week and determines if her guy has become more romantic.

The Food Court

Street audio is always a viable way to get regular voices of listeners on the show.  We love unique frames and found one:  The Food Court.  Go to area malls and have fun conversations with people in the food court.  Edit together the fun exchanges for this recurring feature.

I Wanna Talk About Me

With the explosion of Twitter and Facebook, it seems like all people want to do is talk about themselves.  This is a new feature called “I Wanna Talk About Me”.  Open the phones and tell listeners to call and talk about themselves.  If they keep you engaged for longer than ten seconds, hang with the call and give them something.  If they don’t, buzz them out and move on to the next call.

50 Shades or 50 Cent

What might be fun is finding a very fun person at the station who’ll anchor the game “50 Shades or 50 Cent”.  They read your listener either a line from the book “50 Shades of Grey” or a lyric from a 50 Cent song.  Make sure to have the 50 Cent audio and the passage from audio book of “50 Shades” to prove it and add to the production value of the break.  Thanks to Fernando and Greg, NOW 99.7, San Francisco for this idea.

Fifty Shades of What?

Seems like everywhere you go, women are reading “50 Shades of Grey”.  What might be funny is to approach anyone you see reading the book in the next couple of weeks and play really dumb by asking them what that book is all about.  Pretend like you don’t know.  String together the awkward answers women give you to see how they explain it.

Who Went Where

No doubt when each member of the morning show leaves the building, you go places to run errands and do other things before heading home.  This character building bit is called “Who Went Where”.  Read the list of where one person on the show went and listeners must guess who went to all those places the day before.

The Divorce on Your Show

With Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes now officially divorced (it was the fastest divorce ever), convince a couple to sign their divorce papers on your show live one morning.  You might need a judge, and the lawyers and couple will need to come to the station, but it’ll be a big experience listeners might talk about.

Who Wants to Be Vice President?

With Mitt Romney’s choice for his vice presidential candidate a few weeks away, every member of your team should endure the vetting process to see who’s the “cleanest” to become a veep. Find a lawyer (or ask a local politician to help if you know one) who will probe very deeply into the backgrounds of every cast member of the program.  Make sure all of the highly personal questions are asked.  In this multi-day narrative for the show, the lawyer comes on the last day and reveals which cast member has the least skeletons in their closet.  This is a very pure and highly entertaining character development bit if structured right.

Office Olympics

With the Olympics starting this week, come up with silly competitions and pit someone from every department in the building against each other in “The Office Olympics”.  There are five departments in your building:  sales, management, promotions, engineering, and support. Develop five quirky competitions where one member of each department competes for the gold each day to see which group of people in the building are Olympians!

Guess My Nationality

With the Olympics not too far off, a quick fun bit you can do throughout the games is called “Guess My Nationality”.  Listeners call who speak with an accent.  Have them read something silly within reach (i.e. the directions on how to use a household cleaner at their home).  Each member of the morning show then gets to guess what country they’re from.  Remember that somewhere on line are cheesy versions of every national anthem – have them ready to spice the feature up!