Hot List June 26, 2017


July Fourth

Erin Andrews

Transformers 5

Summer Vacations

Whole Foods





Prince Harry

Johnny Depp

Tom Cruise


Bill Cosby Tour

Game of Thrones

BET Awards


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Co-Worker Browser History

Want an edgy character development idea?  Everyone is sitting with a computer or smart phone in front of them while on-the-air.  Unannounced and unexpectedly, the anchor calls an audible and makes the cast members trade places (or phones) where the new person gets to rifle through the browser history of another cast member and quiz them about any site they’ve been to!

MIX 96.9, Cincinnati The Comey Bleeps

The world and country are so political.  Everywhere you go, it’s Trump, Trump, Trump.  Unlike the nightly TV shows that bathe in the topic and take political stands with their comedy, the relationship between your audience and you is different.  The audience doesn’t feel like they have a personal relationship with Stephen Colbert, but they do feel that with you.  Much like in person, there are topics you should be very cautious about.  Politics is one of them, out of fear the audience will mentally shut down at the mere mention of a political topic.  That said, there are a few ways to do this without doing this.  The Sandy Show, MIX 96.9, Cincinnati found one last week when they speculated about all the profanity used by James Coney when he testified in front of the Senate.  This is a technique done before of inserting bleeps where there could have been profanity and profane words appear in the brain of the listener.  The audience knows this didn’t actually happen, which is why it’s fun.  This approach tackles the Hot Topic of politics without ever taking a stand because its sole purpose was to create fun by being farcical.

KSLX, Phoenix The Batman Villain Quiz

No one break will rocket any show to number one.   Growth is an incremental game of earning and affirming images that get you there.  Be fun, be different, be topical, be real and you’ll gain images that get you to stronger and stronger Nielsen numbers.  Here’s a break that does that. Mark and Neanderpaul, KSLX, Phoenix know that Adam West passing away is a relevant topic for their adult male audience.  Here’s how they seize the moment with this perishable topic (the topic will not be relevant the next week).  They gathered a list of iconic villains from the show and then made up a few.  They asked a listener to guess which ones were real and which were fake at a station event, which is great spice.  They then asked the same questions to a caller in the break, and pit the caller against the listener from the night before.  Humor comes in the made up villains names and the listeners’ reactions to them.  It’s completely vicarious, very much in the moment, had an intent to make those tuning in laugh, and earned those images noted above for growth.

Granny Verses Jeff Sessions

Take another listen to Jeff Session’s testimony last week in front of the Senate, close your eyes, and he sounds exactly like Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies.  Time to get audio of Granny from the internet and compare the two of them.

WIL, St. Louis Another Episode of the White Trash Division of My Family

There is no better way to connect with the audience then by telling a story.  Stories define us, entertain us, have elements which make them memorable, prove one’s authenticity, and are how we navigate relationships.  What is a great song, but a story?  What is an excellent TV show, but a story?  Bud and Broadway, New Country 92.3, St. Louis do self-deprecating quite well.  Jerry Broadway is always mocking the odd members of his family, including a subset he comically refers to as the “White Trash Division”.  He shares all their exploits, with their funny details, as the innocent bystander, shocked (but not shocked!) at what he’s witnessing.  This humorous vulnerability bonds him very efficiently to the audience because the story proves how real he is.  The audience is so disarmed, they so see themselves in this story, and they’re so entertained that Jerry stands out as a personality.

What Your Kids Says You Do

With Father’s Day approaching, go gather audio of kids describing what their father does for a living.  Start with your kids, then make a bulk of it average, normal kids with fathers who have average, normal jobs to hear how cute they are struggling telling you.

Hot List June 19, 2017


Father’s Day


Bill Cosby

Whole Foods


Megyn Kelly




Queen’s Birthday


NBA Draft

Mayweather vs. McGregor

Bruce Springsteen

Bachelor in Paradise



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